Your full hearted guide to life’s big transitions - the beginning, the end and the wild ride cradled in between.  

My journey

I’ve been studying the work of nurture for the last 18 years, be it as a yoga teacher, birth worker or through palliative care.  I love to create a safe-held space for individuals to befriend and tune into their body and their heart so that they can learn to be accepting of where they’re at in life.

My journey on this path began with meditation and yoga.  To me, the yoga mat is like a sacred laboratory, where we can practice responding to the physical sensations, the breath and inner feelings with presence, compassion and curiosity. We practice meeting challenge and change with tenderness and patience, and in time this conscious presence can leap into our daily living.

I know this practice works because in those moments when I get triggered by my children, I remind myself to bring awareness to my breath, and to ground my feet into the floor so that I can respond from an anchored place rather than a strongly reactive one. I learnt how to do that on my yoga mat and on my meditation cushion.

Whilst teaching pregnancy yoga, I became very drawn to the idea of not only helping women throughout their pregnancy but also during the uniquely powerful and transformative time of labour and birth.

As a doula (or birth companion) I discovered that this line of work is very much like teaching yoga - I bring attention to the breath, to tired muscles, to emotional blockages, and to the free space between moments of tension.  With gentleness I guide my yoga students and birthing mothers to experience the wisdom within their own bodies.  

As an integrative therapist I am trained in the healing modalities of yoga therapy, reiki, essential oil therapy and end-of-life palliative care, to address symptoms related to anxiety, depression, stress and illness. 

In birth work, yoga teaching, and end-of-life care, I'm called to love, nurture, soothe frayed nerves, and encourage the steady progress of nature.  I discovered firsthand that each builds upon the others and each has helped me to progress into full-hearted service. I'm committed to helping and assisting in all of life's different stages, from offering strength to labouring women and witnessing their babies’ first breaths, to holding compassionate space for someone during their last breaths.  It is my greatest joy to share the knowledge I've acquired over the last 18 years of practice and study.

Qualifications & Training

Newcastle University BA Honours - Indian  Philosophy & Buddhism 

Yogacampus (UK) 200 hour Yoga Teacher  Training 

Yoga Shanti (NYC) 200 hour Urban Zen  Integrative Therapy Training 

Sarah Powers (France) 100 hour Yin Yoga &  Buddhist Meditation TT 

Rodney Yee, Colleen Saidman (NYC) 100 hour Advanced Yoga  TT at Yoga Shanti 

Jack Kornfield & Tara Brach The Power of Awareness  Meditation Training 

Judy Cameron (UK) Pregnancy Yoga TT with The  British Wheel of Yoga 

DONA International (NYC) Doula training with Debra  Pascali-Bonaro 

Dr Michel Odent (UK) Paramana Doula Training

Antenatal Wisdom Childbirth Education  Teacher Training 

Indie Birth Doula Academy Training

doTERRA Essential Oils Wellness Advocate

Reiki Institute, Dharamsala Reiki Level 1-3 & Master  Level 

Vipassana Meditation  

in:spa & Destination Yoga Retreat Manager for 8 years

I know that I have guided someone well when I see their breath has changed, that they are more grounded and their nervous system has calmed.

Over time I see people  inspired to take good care of themselves. It’s beautiful to witness people remember their true essence. 

Interested in how my practices can support you?