
Prepare for motherhood and parenthood with practices and guidance that will enable you to move through your pregnancy feeling grounded, at ease and confident

Pregnancy Yoga

Yoga is a wonderful support to help you sail through a healthy pregnancy, prepare you to birth with awareness and strengthen you for life's next chapter: motherhood and parenthood. Practicing yoga during pregnancy encourages a sense of space, relaxation and confidence throughout this special time and helps develop a strong bond between you the little resident in your tummy.

My classes include safe breathing techniques to assist during labour, poses to help alleviate minor ailments often experienced during pregnancy, yoga nidra (guided relaxation), meditation and visualization techniques.

Get in touch to book a one-to-one or small private group pregnancy yoga classes in the comfort of your own home (in London).

Birth Preparation Sessions

Birth is a mysterious and wild ride, and there are things that cannot be controlled.  However, preparing mentally and physically can certainly help.  As a Childbirth Educator, my role is to ensure you have all the information  and support you need throughout this sacred journey of pregnancy and birth.  I will guide you through the maze of options and choices out there so that you can make the decisions that are right for YOU. 

I will listen to you in an unbiased way and support whatever choices you make.  My wish is for  you to have a clear understanding of the birth process so that you can feel empowered and less fearful of the journey.  

The more informed you are about knowing your options, your rights, optimal birthing conditions, and making clear plans for every eventuality, the more likely you will have the birth you want.

The purpose of my birth preparation sessions is to prepare mothers and birthing parents to give birth-in-awareness, not to achieve specific birth outcomes.  My 2-3 hour Antenatal Session (in the comfort of your own home/mine/online) will cover the following – but can also be tailored to specific needs: 

    • Answering any questions or concerns you may have about pregnancy

    • Holding space for you as you address any fears you and your birth partner may have around pregnancy

    • Yoga positions, herbal tea remedies and essential oil advice to aid any pregnancy discomforts

    • The physiology of birth

    • The stages of labour

    • How to work with the perfectly designed hormonal process

    • How to befriend fear & strong sensations

    • 4 tools to use - breathing techniques, relaxation techniques, sound & the power of the mind

    • Counter-pressure techniques

    • How your birth partner can best support you in labour, both emotionally and practically

    • Options for pain relief

    • Helpful positions for labour and the principles of active birth

    • "Gentle cesareans"

    • Support in creating your Birth Preferences document

    • The mind/body connection and preparing psychologically for birth

    • Self-care tools to support you post-birth (herbal remedies, nourishing foods etc)

    • The ins and outs of breastfeeding

Blessingway Ceremony

A Blessingway Ceremony is a Native American ‘Navajo’ tradition that brings women together to support, empower and celebrate a mama-to-be in the days or weeks leading up to birth.  It differs from a traditional baby shower as the focus is on the pregnant woman and giving her strength, love and encouragement, rather than being focused on the baby and giving gifts.

A Blessingway is a deeply nurturing ceremony to honour and love the mother or birth parent and bless the way ahead for them.  The most trusted and cherished women in her life gather together to offer their prayers and kind words for a smooth journey ahead.  

 The ceremony can be tailored to the mother or birth partents wishes but usually includes:

  • An opening meditation to create a grounded, safe-held space

  • Hand, foot & shoulder massage given by the women with essential oils

  • Belly painting

  • Creating a hanging baby mobile with beads, crystals or charms brought by the women and blessed with intentions for the mother or birth parent and baby  

  • Readings and poetry to inspire the mother or birth parent

  • Sharing empowering birth and motherhood and birthing parent stories 

  • Nourishing food prepared by the women to share

I offer this ceremony in the comfort of your home or chosen space.  Please email me for more details (the price may vary depending on location, time and what you might require).

  • "From the moment we met you we felt inexplicably reassured. Your approach to the prenatal sessions was always really educational without overwhelming. Your pregnancy classes were so nourishing."


  • "Having dear Emily join my birthing tribe was THE best decision I made in my childbearing year. I did not get to have the birth I had hoped for, and there was unnecessary trauma and negligence that came from the hospital's end, but Emily united our family in that unsupported birth (I imagine her when I look back as hugging my husband, my daughter and I metaphorically). She made sure that I met my daughter with dignity and grace, even when there was none in the hospital.


  • "We feel so lucky to have had you as our doula, Emily. Your constant loving care, support, good humour and general lovely presence made everything bearable. You gave me strength and courage when I needed it most, and to my husband as well...thank you from the bottom of our hearts - you are a very special lady"


  • Maybe you have a creative project to share with the world

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